Monday, March 28, 2011


Moved back to blogspot again.
Tumblr is nice but blogger is better.
By the way, it's my first post for this blog. I am not gonna write much in this blog, i'll make it as a picture blog. :)

Thanks to my girl who motivated me to blog again.
Nothing much special these few weeks. Stay in home and wait for college start on 31st March.

Last outing on 23rd March. SPM result released on that day.

Went to Sunway's Sushi Zanmai with baby after register at Taylor lakeside .

Yummy scallop.

Didn't sleep last night, too nervous for my result and fell asleep at starbuck. Ignore the Lesly.

This is all for today, will blog more often next time. Baby keep nagging me for more new post.

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