Thursday, March 31, 2011

Orientation in Taylor's Lakeside.

Didn't sleep at all last night, maybe I am too excited for college live. But it is actually very tiring.

Nothing much for the orientation today. Briefing about college's systems. I think I am not going for tomorrow's orientation since its kinda waste time and I don't want to wake so early in the morning. Gonna longer tomorrow with my girl.

Hmm, so here is a short and fast post about today.

Baby's mom fetched us to college today. (Sorry I am kinda late and end up we stucked in traffic jam.)

Reached campus around 7.30AM something, then went to Old Town "chui shui" with friends.
Lesson learnt, never order food at Old Town if you have class early in the morning. We ordered our drinks and my curry potatoes with bread around 7.40AM, but end up they only bring us our drinks around 8.30Am. And it is time for our orientation, I have no other choice beside giving up my curry potatoes.

Went in to the hall, MPH(multi purpose hall). It is very huge and nice. Saw many of my Sri Garden school friends in there too. And the orientation started around 9AM. It is kinda boring actually, they are explaining about our school system and some rules and regulations.

After the speech, we went to our own course which is foundation in business. I think our course got around 250+ students this intake. That is a lot...
(Briefing for almost an hour.)Finally it is our lunch time. Baby went to meet up with Jamie and one of her friend, so I just followed my friend go around the campus and search for some nice resting spot for food.

All my friends decided to go back home after the lunch since its photo taking for student ID. So me and my girl decided to leave the campus earlier too. We went to Sunway for a movie, HOP. I didn't watch much, cause I was so tired then fell asleep in the cinema.

We went to eat "Ireland potato" after the movie. The taste getting worse now. The cheddar cheese smells great but it is tasteless. And of course we took some pictures too.

My girl with her fries.

I think that will be all for today, gonna skip tomorrow's orientation. Then will attend to normal class on Monday.

Exhausted, gonna get some rest now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jiayi Yap: how much you love me? (;

[5:40:36 PM] Jiayi Yap: faster la
[5:40:42 PM] Jiayi Yap: think so long aish.
[5:40:52 PM] Jiayi Yap: how much you love meee?

[5:42:15 PM] LeSs ™: sorry
[5:42:21 PM] LeSs ™: take kinda long to count
[5:42:25 PM] LeSs ™: because its uncountable
[5:42:30 PM] LeSs ™: i lost count

[5:42:51 PM] Jiayi Yap: stupid boy


Her grumpy face. );


Monday, March 28, 2011


Moved back to blogspot again.
Tumblr is nice but blogger is better.
By the way, it's my first post for this blog. I am not gonna write much in this blog, i'll make it as a picture blog. :)

Thanks to my girl who motivated me to blog again.
Nothing much special these few weeks. Stay in home and wait for college start on 31st March.

Last outing on 23rd March. SPM result released on that day.

Went to Sunway's Sushi Zanmai with baby after register at Taylor lakeside .

Yummy scallop.

Didn't sleep last night, too nervous for my result and fell asleep at starbuck. Ignore the Lesly.

This is all for today, will blog more often next time. Baby keep nagging me for more new post.