Wednesday, May 18, 2011

19th May

She keep asking me to update my blog again. /;
Here is a short post.
I am feeling lucky tonight. Just won a pair of "Pirates of The Caribbean 4" movie tickets. (:

Thanks More Than Hype for the prize.

By the way, my mom bought me a new car last week.
Yea, it's so sudden. I am surprised too.


Gonna start to save money and buy something that I wanted for so long. Spent quite many recently.

Might going out with my babygirl tomorrow.
It has been a while since the last time we hang out together.

Finally I know how to cook a mamak style "Maggie Goreng."
It is delicious. I should own a mamak named"Leslie Corner".

Drooling right? :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

9th May

Baby keep nagging me to update my blog since last week.
But I lazy and I am kinda busy for my assignments.
Here is some pictures of her and her new toys. :)

Meet her 3 new babies. Chip chip, penguin and rabbit.
Baby even sleep with them. :(
The happy 3 friends. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It is May.

Didn't update blog for about a week. Too busy in my assignments these days.
Here is some pictures about last 2 weeks.

She love to take pictures when I am driving. " Ignore my face, I just wanted to entertain her. " :)

Went to had our lunch at Dragon-i.
" As I said, I just wanted to entertain her, please ignore my face."

I have a gorgeous girlfriend yo.
Last picture before sending she back to home.

We decided to do our IT assignment in Au's house.

Played Rami before the recording. "Steve's epic face. It is rare to have his picture"

I love to disturb her.
I won about RM10. hehehe.
Last picture for this post. :)

Girl, be careful and enjoy your Vietnam trip.