Saturday, August 6, 2011

Meet my girl.


She is cute





Or maybe silly,
but she is my perfect girl. (:
Oh yeah, u still owe me a present!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to me.

Thank you everyone who came to my birthday party that night.
Thank you for being one of my friend for so long.
You guys rock!

Thanks baby for that night.

And thanks for the present too.

Monday, June 20, 2011

6 months.

Happy 6th months anniversary baby.

When I am sad, you always there to chill me up.
When I am in a bad mood, you will always try to make me laugh with your silly expression.
When I am out of your sight, you will always text or call me all the time to keep me accompany.
When I need you, you will always be there for me.

Thank you girl, you are the best girlfriend on the earth. I Love you.

" If I were deaf, I’ll hear your laughter through your smile. If I were mute, I’ll speak to you through your eyes. If I were blind, I’ll see you through your touch. I can live without my senses but life won’t make sense without you. "

Saturday, June 4, 2011

5th June

My Saga FL arrived last week.
It is quite out of my expectation.
I never like proton until I got my Saga FL.
Maybe the engine is not good as a expensive car, but seriously it is already enough for me.

Brought baby to Jojo and snowflake for breakfast today.
Will update more pictures once I receive it from her.

I am getting now, have many assignments to submit. And I still have not start any assignment yet.
Gonna stop blogging until I finish my Economic assignment. Which I have to write 2000 words for 2 essays.

Rest In Peace,

Many things just happened in the pass few weeks.
Unfortunately,my dearest uncle passed away.
It is all over the news, in case you don't know what happened on him.
Here is the link direct to the news article.
2. Chef dies after pub assault - The Star Online

Your soul will always stay with us, forever and ever. May you rest in peace.
And thanks for everything.
(The last picture we took during Chinese New Year.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

19th May

She keep asking me to update my blog again. /;
Here is a short post.
I am feeling lucky tonight. Just won a pair of "Pirates of The Caribbean 4" movie tickets. (:

Thanks More Than Hype for the prize.

By the way, my mom bought me a new car last week.
Yea, it's so sudden. I am surprised too.


Gonna start to save money and buy something that I wanted for so long. Spent quite many recently.

Might going out with my babygirl tomorrow.
It has been a while since the last time we hang out together.

Finally I know how to cook a mamak style "Maggie Goreng."
It is delicious. I should own a mamak named"Leslie Corner".

Drooling right? :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

9th May

Baby keep nagging me to update my blog since last week.
But I lazy and I am kinda busy for my assignments.
Here is some pictures of her and her new toys. :)

Meet her 3 new babies. Chip chip, penguin and rabbit.
Baby even sleep with them. :(
The happy 3 friends. :)